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we project circular energy

The management of production residues from agri-food industries and their use as resources to generate income is emerging as an increasingly pressing need among large companies in the sector. Biological Care has devoted a considerable part of its expertise by establishing a team of technicians dedicated to prefeasibility studies for the optimization of these resources.

Biological Care's activity starts from the awareness that large industrial groups, already constrained by stringent regulations, are constantly looking for innovative solutions involving concepts of true circular economy and sustainability. In this scenario, Biological Care is able to guide companies to a solution to the problem, quantifying the energy potential of their waste or production residues, thanks in part to Methan Tube ® technology, which allows the behavior of a biodigester to be simulated in the laboratory and the data needed to draw up a business plan. Basically, it is assessed whether or not the residues of a given production process can, or cannot, be sustainably used in a subsequent production cycle, or alternatively be considered as by-products and generate income through the sale of the same to Biomethane producers.


In the best case, with a large amount of high-potential residual matter, it may become strategic to build a proprietary plant and reuse the energy and heat obtained, to meet internal needs.

Engineering is a pivotal area in Biological Care's sphere of action.

If pre-analysis and Feasibility Studies have the task of investigating the economic potential that can be hidden behind the production waste of an agro-industrial or agribusiness company, once the client's economic interest in acquiring a Biogas plant has been ascertained, we enter the phase of design, production and control of the plant itself. As a testament to the attention given to this sector, Biological Care has set up T4E (Trade for Energy), a partner company that plays the role of a true operating arm in the field of engineering, designing and providing advanced solutions tailored to the client's needs.

Contact us for a free pre-feasibility study exploration.


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